`bayesmsm` for longitudinal data with informative right-censoring
Xiao Yan, Kuan Liu
package enables easy implementation of the Bayesian marginal structural models (BMSMs) for longitudinal data. The methodology of BMSMs can be divided into 2 estimation steps:- Step 1. Bayesian treatment effect weight estimation
- Step 2. Bayesian non-parametric bootstrap to maximize the utility function with respect to the causal effect
For Step 1, we estimate treatment weights using posterior samples of the and via fitting a series of logistic regressions in a Bayesian framework. The package incorporates both Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting (IPTW) and Inverse Probability of Censoring Weighting (IPCW) to handle longitudinal data without and with right-censoring. For Step 2, is estimated via non-parametric Bayesian bootstrap with sampling weights.
The main functions in this package include:
: Calculates Bayesian weights for subject-specific treatment effects. -
: Calculates Bayesian weights for subject-specific treatment effects with right-censored data. -
: Estimates marginal structural models using the calculated Bayesian weights. -
: Plots the estimated Average Treatment Effect (ATE). -
: Plots the estimated Average Potential Outcome (APO). -
: Plots the distribution of estimated treatment effects. -
: Summarizes the model results frombayesmsm
- To install the bayesmsm package, you can use the
package to install it directly from GitHub:
- To install the bayesmsm package, you can use the
Simulated observational data with right-censoring
We illustrate the implementation of the bayesmsm
using a simulated dataset. The simulated dataset contains
right-censoring with a binary end-of-study outcome. This example will
provide a comprehensive understanding of how to apply the package to
real-world data.
Dataset Introduction
In this simulation study, we use a simulated longitudinal dataset to mimic complex real-world clinical data with right-censoring. This dataset consists of 500 patients observed over 3 visits. The binary outcome variable represents the end-of-study status of the patients. The dataset includes baseline covariates and , with being binary and continuous. Time-dependent covariates and are observed at the second visit, and and at the third visit. The treatment variables are represented as , , and for the three visits. Right-censoring indicators are represented as , , and . For example, for observations with , all records at or after visit 1 were censored.
Variable | Description |
L11 | Baseline covariate (binary) |
L21 | Baseline covariate (continuous) |
A1, A2, A3 | Treatment assignments (binary) |
C1, C2, C3 | Right-censoring indicators |
Y | End-of-study outcome (binary) |
# simulating causal data with censoring;
simdat_cen <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "sim_causal.csv", package = "bayesmsm"))
# look at the data;
#> L11 L21 A1 L12 L22 A2 L13 L23 A3 C1 C2 C3 Y
#> 1 0 -0.37560287 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 NA NA NA
#> 2 1 -0.56187636 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 NA NA NA
#> 3 0 -0.34391723 1 1 -0.8053290 1 1 -2.5508298 1 0 0 0 0
#> 4 1 0.09049665 1 1 -1.7754302 1 1 -2.2849997 0 0 0 0 0
#> 5 1 1.59850877 1 1 0.5604468 1 0 2.1787137 0 0 0 0 1
#> 6 0 -0.08856511 0 0 1.4798603 0 1 0.7025151 0 0 0 0 1
Bayesian treatment effect weight estimation using
Next, we use the bayesweight_cen
function to estimate
the weights with censoring. We specify the treatment and censoring
models for each time point, including the relevant covariates.
- Parameters Description:
: A list of formulas corresponding to each time point with the time-specific treatment variable on the left hand side and pre-treatment covariates to be balanced on the right hand side. Interactions and functions of covariates are allowed. -
: A list of formulas of the censoring model with the censoring indicators on the left hand side and the covariates prior to the censoring indicators on the right hand side. -
: The dataset containing all the variables specified in trtmodel.list. -
: Total number of iterations for each chain (including burn-in). -
: Number of iterations to discard at the beginning of the simulation (burn-in). -
: Thinning rate for the MCMC sampler. -
: Number of MCMC chains to run. For non-parallel execution, this should be set to 1. For parallel execution, it requires at least 2 chains. -
: Seed to ensure reproducibility. -
: Logical flag indicating whether to run the MCMC chains in parallel. Default is TRUE. -
: Logical flag indicating whether save the jags model as a text file for model customization. Default is FALSE.
weights <- bayesweight_cen(trtmodel.list = list(A1 ~ L11 + L21,
A2 ~ L11 + L21 + L12 + L22 + A1,
A3 ~ L11 + L21 + L12 + L22 + A1 + L13 + L23 + A2),
cenmodel.list = list(C1 ~ L11 + L21,
C2 ~ L11 + L21 + A1,
C3 ~ L11 + L21 + A1 + L12 + L22 + A2),
data = simdat_cen,
n.iter = 250,
n.burnin = 150,
n.thin = 1,
n.chains = 1,
seed = 890123,
parallel = FALSE)
#> Compiling model graph
#> Resolving undeclared variables
#> Allocating nodes
#> Graph information:
#> Observed stochastic nodes: 4836
#> Unobserved stochastic nodes: 44
#> Total graph size: 16501
#> Initializing model
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
#> 0.3669 0.9450 1.6110 2.6320 3.3275 35.9743 136
Similarly, the function will automatically run MCMC with JAGS based on the specified treatment and censoring model inputs, saving a JAGS model file in the working directory for model customization. The function returns a list containing the updated weights for subject-specific treatment and censoring effects.
Bayesian non-parametric bootstrap to maximize the utility function
with respect to the causal effect using bayesmsm
Using the weights estimated by bayesweight_cen
, we now
fit the Bayesian Marginal Structural Model and estimate the marginal
treatment effects using the bayesmsm
function as before. We
specify the outcome model and other relevant parameters.
# Remove all NAs (censored observations) from the original dataset and weights
simdat_cen <- na.omit(simdat_cen)
weights <- na.omit(weights)
model <- bayesmsm(ymodel = Y ~ A1+A2+A3,
nvisit = 3,
reference = c(rep(0, 3)),
comparator = c(rep(1, 3)),
family = "binomial",
data = simdat_cen,
wmean = weights,
nboot = 100,
optim_method = "BFGS",
parallel = FALSE,
seed = 890123,
ncore = 1)
#> List of 12
#> $ RD_mean : num 0.274
#> $ RR_mean : num 1.7
#> $ OR_mean : num 3.68
#> $ RD_sd : num 0.113
#> $ RR_sd : num 0.416
#> $ OR_sd : num 2.14
#> $ RD_quantile: Named num [1:2] 0.0522 0.5221
#> ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "2.5%" "97.5%"
#> $ RR_quantile: Named num [1:2] 1.09 2.87
#> ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "2.5%" "97.5%"
#> $ OR_quantile: Named num [1:2] 1.25 10.32
#> ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "2.5%" "97.5%"
#> $ bootdata :'data.frame': 100 obs. of 5 variables:
#> ..$ effect_reference : num [1:100] -0.85101 -0.00156 0.39549 -0.38292 -0.32692 ...
#> ..$ effect_comparator: num [1:100] 1.062 0.851 0.727 1.154 1.116 ...
#> ..$ RD : num [1:100] 0.4439 0.2011 0.0765 0.3548 0.3342 ...
#> ..$ RR : num [1:100] 2.48 1.4 1.13 1.88 1.8 ...
#> ..$ OR : num [1:100] 6.77 2.34 1.39 4.65 4.23 ...
#> $ reference : num [1:3] 0 0 0
#> $ comparator : num [1:3] 1 1 1
The bayesmsm
function returns a model object containing
the following: the mean, standard deviation, and 95% credible interval
of the Risk Difference (RD), Risk Ratio (RR), and Odds Ratio (OR). It
also includes a data frame containing the bootstrap samples for the
reference effect, comparator effect, RD, RR, and OR, as well as the
reference and comparator levels chosen by the user.
- We can extract and visualize the results as follows:
# Extract results
#> effect_reference effect_comparator RD RR OR
#> 1 -0.851005210 1.0621855 0.44388593 2.483467 6.774670
#> 2 -0.001561515 0.8505734 0.20107778 1.402470 2.344647
#> 3 0.395486973 0.7266759 0.07647253 1.127965 1.392623
#> 4 -0.382915583 1.1538246 0.35478491 1.875096 4.649409
#> 5 -0.326921538 1.1156070 0.33418310 1.797592 4.231382
#> 6 -0.345633755 0.9939188 0.31541964 1.761071 3.817335
Visualization functions: plot_ATE
, plot_est_box
Similarly, we can use the built-in functions as well as
to visualize and summarize the
- Plotting the Average Treatment Effect (ATE)
- The
function generates a plot of the estimated ATE with its 95% credible interval.
- The
- Plotting the Average Potential Outcome (APO)
- The
function plots the estimated APO for both the reference and comparator level effects.
- The
plot_APO(model, effect_type = "effect_comparator")
plot_APO(model, effect_type = "effect_reference")
- Plotting the Distribution of Estimated Treatment Effects
- The
function generates an error bar plot of the estimated treatment effects (APO and ATE) from the bootstrap samples.
- The
- Summary function to generate result table from
- The
function automatically generates a summary table of the model output from the functionbayesmsm
- The
#> mean sd 2.5% 97.5%
#> Reference -0.2775769 0.3130854 -0.93735071 0.3545414
#> Comparator 0.8918111 0.2692988 0.44366885 1.4382526
#> RD 0.2735226 0.1128629 0.05223929 0.5220941
#> RR 1.6978733 0.4156365 1.08902494 2.8728866
#> OR 3.6840509 2.1362898 1.24678234 10.3245315
- Liu, K. (2021). Bayesian causal inference with longitudinal data. Tspace.library.utoronto.ca. https://tspace.library.utoronto.ca/handle/1807/109330
- Saarela, O., Stephens, D. A., Moodie, E. E. M., & Klein, M. B. (2015). On Bayesian estimation of marginal structural models. Biometrics, 71(2), 279–288. https://doi.org/10.1111/biom.12269
- Robins, J. M., Hernán, M. A., & Brumback, B. (2000). Marginal structural models and causal inference in epidemiology. Epidemiology, 11(5), 550–560. https://doi.org/10.1097/00001648-200009000-00011
- Liu, K., Saarela, O., Feldman, B. M., & Pullenayegum, E. (2020). Estimation of causal effects with repeatedly measured outcomes in a Bayesian framework. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 29(9), 2507–2519. https://doi.org/10.1177/0962280219900362